The Latest

Sunday, May 13, 2012 TJ & Vanessa 0 Comments

Here are the latest happenings.

1. I survived the Mother's Day rush at work. Barely.

2. I am behind on everything. Anyone reading this is probably thinking "join the club Vanessa" but I seriously feel so behind. It's the worst feeling. I end up feeling so overwhelmed that I plop myself on the couch with a treat in hand, watch too much tv, and then stress even more that I just wasted precious time.

3. I got my hair done (finally!) and it feels so much better. TJ is now calling me a red-head even though I only had a little red hue put in. It's fun to have something just a little different.

4. We are moving in less than three weeks. Whoa. It's pretty exciting that three weeks from now I will be long gone from Provo and on my way to our next adventure. Where exactly we are moving, and what I will be doing are TBD, but those things will work themselves out soon right?!

5. I have an awesome husband. He now makes the bed every day for me and often makes me breakfast or lunch as I'm running out the door to work. He has been a great stay-at-home hubby these past few weeks so I feel pretty lucky.

Until next time!


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